0330 118 0007


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Tell Us About Your Business

Please provide the following details about your business:

Annual Turnover
Number of Employees

Now Choose Your Policies and Levels of Cover

You can change these options to tailor the levels of cover you require to satisfy your contractual or busines needs.
You can view the policy wording by clicking on this icon PDF Icon
You can view the IPID (Insurance Product Information Document) by clicking on this icon PDF Icon

Professional Indemnity
Level of Cover
Combined Liability
Office Contents
Portable Equipment
Public Liability
Include Manual Work
Products Liability
Do you work Offshore
Whereabout in the World will you undertake your contracts?
Employer's Liability

Details of your Tailored Quote

Combined Liability
Professional Indemnity
Annual cost of all selected policies*
*(including 12% Insurance Premium Tax)


These prices are subject to eligibility criteria. They are based on the details you have entered and will not change as you progress through the application, unless your application is referred to an Underwriter.